Wednesday 19 January 2011

Teen Cash Guide by Martin Lewis

This new initiative by Martin Lewis is worthy of support in order to educate the youth about financial management issues:

Urgent! Help get financial ed in schools!
Please ask your MP to support the new 'All Party Parliamentary' campaign

Since student loans launched 20 years ago, as a nation, we've educated our youth into debt but never about debt. Now student loans are set to get bigger & costlier, enough's enough. We need consumer finance education in EVERY school.

Teaching kids about money, debt, saving and not being impulse driven is the most potent solution we have to mis-selling scandals, debt crisis, economic inefficiencies, so we must education

Please email your MP (takes 2 mins)

In the last few months we've been working with Justin Tomlinson MP and pfeg (personal finance education group) on the launch of the first ever 'All-Party Parliamentary Group for Financial Education'. This will allow all MPs to gang together, we need your help to persuade 'em.

·         Go to Enter your postcode into then click on the link to your MP's name (not website) and check for an email address.

·         Email them a message. Here's a template for inspiration - highlight the text from here, then copy it (CTRL & C) and paste it (CTRL & V) into your email. If possible, please personalise it with your views and experience.

As your constituent, I'm writing to ask that you join the 'All-Party Parliamentary Group for Financial Education for Young People', launching on 31 Jan 2011.

On the back of a debt-ridden financial crisis and tuition fee rise, I think ensuring young people understand money, consuming and debt is more important than ever. I'm not alone; 97% of a poll of 8,000 supported compulsory financial education in schools (source: and more than 30,000 people signed

It'd prevent mis-selling and create better informed consumers, maybe meaning fewer future financial crises. The APPG will allow you to represent me & others. You can join by contacting Justin Tomlinson MP's office. Please let me know your intentions.


Interested in this? Find out more about the Financial Education Campaign

Educate your kids yourself now

Change takes time, so it's worth looking at what you can do to educate your kids now. Download the Free Teen Cash Class or play the My Money Fortunity game.


Download now or preview on posterous
Teen_Cash_Guide.pdf (1803 KB)

Link to the original article

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